ianboy's discipline homepage


Thank you for all your support over many years. I have realised that it is time this site died gracefully, it having been languishing for more than five years without updates and referring to a person who in many ways no longer exists.

Life changes and moves on, and although I cherish the friends I've made through this site, some of whom I've been lucky enough to meet in real life and discover that they are all darned fine people, this website and the ideals I started it with nearly ten years ago aren't part of that future.

I know how much it has meant to many people – I believe from correspondence I've had that it saved at least two lives, when people didn't know how to deal with ideas and feelings that society brands subversive, wrong, dangerous even. Perhaps I was naive to hope that honesty and careful self-exploration could change the world to a better place where an S&M interest isn't considered weird or feared.

It was an incredible ride, though. If I bump into any of you online here and there, I hope you'll say hi. I've always considered myself just an ordinary guy who put up a little website for fun, and never knew how it would affect his life.

While the site is dead, I will maintain for the forseeable future the page of stories by my very dear friend Paulus the Woodgnome, which are simply too good to be lost to the chill winds of cyberspace... Some of the best writing I've ever seen, and I can't recommend these highly enough...

The discipline fiction of Paulus the Woodgnome

November 2010

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